In past years shortages have plagued the number of available vaccinations, but this year the vaccines are readily available.
"There are no shortages of vaccines this year," said Marilyn D., a registered nurse immunizing people at Fry's groceries store, 4150 E. 22nd St. "We encourage everyone to get flu shots."
On average, more than 225,000 people are hospitalized for influenza, or the common "flu", and nearly 37,000 die - most of whom are elderly.
Influenza Q&A

Mollen Immunization Clinics, a phoenix based medical practice, is offering more than 3,000 flu shot clinics in Arizona during this years flu season which began Sept. 19th.
Immunization clinics flu shot locations and schedule
"People can get the flu from being out in public and contact with other people," Marilyn said. "The most vulnerable are the infants and elderly."
Influenza symptoms include a fever, sore throat, chills, headache, fatigue and coughing.
The best time to get the influenza vaccine is in October and November, or up to two months later. Most influenza cases occur in January or February, but the flu season run through May.
If you are considering the influenza vaccine you might want to speak with your doctor before if you have severe allergies or already sick.
A small amount of people may experience severe reaction from the vaccine one or two days after the dose.
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